
  • 0 a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family -- 朋友,友人

    • You don't have to pretend any more - you're among friends now. 你不用再裝了——現在大家都是自己人。

    • He finds it difficult to make friends. 他發現交朋友很難。

    • I've made a lot of friends in this job. 我從事這份工作結交了很多朋友。

    • She said that she and Peter were just (good) friends (= they were not having a sexual relationship). 她說自己和彼得只是(好)朋友而已。

    • We're (good) friends with José and Pilar. 我們和何塞、皮拉爾是(好)朋友。

    • José and Pilar are (good) friends of ours. 何塞和皮拉爾是我們的(好)朋友。

    • We've been friends for years. 我們已是多年的朋友了。

    • This restaurant was recommended to me by a friend of mine. 這間餐廳是我的一個朋友給我推薦的。

    • He's a family friend/friend of the family. 他是全家人的朋友。

    • She's my best/oldest/closest friend - we've known each other since we were five. 她是我最要好/交情最久/最親密的朋友——我們五歲的時候就認識了。

  • 1 someone who gives money to an arts organization or charity in order to support it -- (劇院等藝術機構或慈善組織的)捐資者,贊助人

    • The Friends of the Royal Academy raised £10,000 towards the cost of the exhibition. 皇家藝術學院之友爲此次展覽籌集了一萬英鎊。

  • 2 to invite someone to be your friend on a social networking website -- 在社交媒體上邀請別人成為朋友

    • I friended her and sent her a message. 我要求成為她的朋友並給她發了短信。

  • 3 a Quaker -- (同 Quaker)



  • These items are often referred to with the terms "false friends" or "quasi-homophones across languages".

  • Ties with close friends and/or relatives assumed greater importance for those aged 60 and older.

  • Spouses, friends and relatives die when a person reaches a very old age.

  • He may compare the pain with that experienced by friends or relatives and have misconceptions about it.

  • You see her as a fifteen-year-old, and with her female friends they have a club, they play cricket.

  • These dimensions included spouse problems, spouse support, relative problems, relative support, friend problems, friend support, confidants and social integration.

  • The book was completed and prepared for publication by some of his friends and colleagues.

  • His friends find his presence there, but he does not recognise himself!








