
  • 0 a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children -- 家,家庭

    • We've got a family of squirrels living in our garden. 我們的花園裡住著一窩松鼠。

    • My dad died when we were small so my mum raised the family on her own. 我們很小的時候爸爸就去世了,因此是媽媽一個人把孩子養大的。

    • Paul and Ana are hoping to start a family (= have children) soon. 保羅和安娜期待著不久能生個小孩。

    • Women shouldn't have to choose between career and family (= having children). 在事業與家庭之間,女人不應該只能選擇其一。

    • How do you like family life (= being married, having children, etc.)? 你對家庭生活還滿意嗎?

    • This movie is good family entertainment (= something that can be enjoyed by parents and children together). 這部電影是很棒的家庭娛樂片。

    • He's American but his family (= relatives in the past) come/comes from Ireland. 他是美國人,但他的祖籍是愛爾蘭。

    • He doesn't have any family. 他無親無故。

    • I come from a large family - I have three brothers and two sisters. 我來自一個大家庭,有三個兄弟,兩個姐妹。

    • A new family has/have moved in next door. 隔壁新搬來一戶人家。

  • 1 a large group of related types of animal or plant -- (動植物的)科



  • The families were recruited from local birth records.

  • Their families, recruited from local birth records, had agreed to participate with their children in a longitudinal study of language development.

  • Most cases of mycoplasma outbreaks occurred in schools (22), among family members (13), and military recruits (10).

  • Some surrogates need to review what the patient and/or family has experienced in the past with end of life issues.

  • After death, family members reported the actual family involvement in health care decisions near death.

  • Twenty-six of the 30 who reported sterilization said they had a family physician.

  • The morbid risk represents the percentage of family members who develop the specific disorder.

  • We collected 2681 fishes, representing 46 species and 10 families.








