
  • 0 (the process of getting) knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things -- 經驗;經歷;實踐

    • I did meet him once and it was an experience I shall never forget. 我的確跟他見過一次面,那是我永生難忘的一段經歷。

    • It was interesting hearing about his experiences as a policeman. 聽他講當員警時的那些經歷很有趣。

    • I had a pretty unpleasant experience at the dentist's. 我有一次很不愉快的看牙醫經歷。

    • The experience of pain (= what pain feels like) varies from one person to another. 對痛的感覺是因人而異的。

    • In my experience, people generally smile back if you smile at them. 據我的經驗,如果你對別人微笑,他們通常也會對你微笑的。

    • I don't think she has the experience for the job (= enough knowledge and skill for it). 我認為做這種工作她經驗不足。

    • I know from experience that Tony never keeps his promises. 經驗告訴我,湯尼從不會信守諾言。

    • The best way to learn is by experience (= by doing things). 最好的學習方式是在實踐中學習。

    • Do you have any experience of working with kids? (= Have you ever worked with them?) 你有照顧小孩的工作經驗嗎?

  • 1 If you experience something, it happens to you, or you feel it. -- 經歷;體會到,感受到



  • In the school situation, pupils were interested in the learning experiences of other groups and wanted to do the same musical activities.

  • Clearly, this was not always the case in the pupils' experiences.

  • We will now summarise some of these psychological processes involved within the dementia sufferer's response to the experience of neurological deterioration.

  • Approximately one-quarter experienced a hearing limitation or a learning, developmental or psychological disability.

  • Thus, individuals experiencing low strain are hypothesized to have a lower than average risk of illness and psychological disturbance.

  • About 57 % were found to have experienced psychological distress.

  • In fact much of what we do is based on experience that "ordinary people" (here: not researchers or other elites) have shared with us.

  • More surprisingly, he had little time for the actual experiences of the millions of ordinary people who in our time have been at war.








