
These are word's examples related to syncline. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于syncline的信息


  • Since the north limb of the syncline is either vertical, near vertical or occasionally overturned the rotation has to be up to or exceeding 90°.

  • The south limb of the syncline contains proximal arc lavas and volcaniclastic debris, with more distal sediments comprising the north limb.

  • In these areas, the steeply dipping to overturned short limb of the syncline is preserved.

  • We think that this syncline is either: (i) a typical normal drag accommodating the slip in the hanging-wall of the bounding high-angle normal fault or (ii) a syn-depositional compaction structure.

  • The overall depression is neither an area of soft lithologies able to undergo differential erosional lowering, nor a syncline area providing space for sedimentary infilling during post-orogenic times.

  • The mountain owes it table-top flatness to the fact that it is a syncline mountain, meaning that it once was the bottom of a valley.

  • Another anticline has been mapped to the north of this ring syncline, which is also concentric with it.

  • The whole structure of the section is a double plunging syncline with sharp mountain ridges on either side of the valley.

  • The spur exposes a spectacular syncline of white marble and black schist.

  • A synclinorium (plural synclinoriums or synclinoria) is a large syncline with superimposed smaller folds.

  • Supposed metal-braced walls are natural concentrations of limonite and magnetite in steeply inclined sedimentary layers in the limbs of a doubly plunging syncline.

  • The molasse can sometimes completely fill a foreland basin, creating a nearly flat depositional surface, that nonetheless remains a structural syncline.

  • There is an anticline with syncline on the southwest of the island.

  • A syncline determines the western side of the ashstone, with an anticline further to the west.

  • Snowdon itself is largely formed of volcanic ash (tuff) with some sedimentary rock and igneous intrusions folded into a syncline.









