
These are word's examples related to canvas. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于canvas的信息


  • Similar patterns, mutatis mutandis, emerge from the models predicting exposure to each party's telephone canvass.

  • Tellingly (considering what was to come later) he had the parish beadles canvass on his behalf.

  • However, exposure to the telephone canvass did not have as much impact on chances of being canvassed on the doorstep.

  • None of the six campaign spending coefficients in the telephone canvass equations were significant.

  • None of the telephone canvass dummies were significant.

  • One does not need to canvass before knowing who the leaders should be.

  • Chapter four deals with a series of late seventeenth-century canvases painted by at least two anonymous artists.

  • In later canvases, where theories of colouration and geometric composition came to dominate, shapes and colours may become the significant minimal unit.

  • From the seventeenth century onwards, drapery gained its freedom and took a life of its own filling canvases with impossible swirls and billows.

  • I then canvass alternative accounts of parenthood - namely, conventionalism, gestationalism, and intentionalism - but none succeeds in explaining reproductive cloning.

  • To some extent, therefore, this is complementary to the canvass, and can have an independent effect.

  • Furthermore, which is the more effective in mobilizing support: the doorstep or the telephone canvass?

  • Very few of the 'electoral context' variables are significant in the doorstep canvass equations.

  • The regidores acknowledged the victims as worthy of the municipality's esteem and agreed to inscribe their names in two canvases that would be displayed in the ayuntamiento's conference room.

  • Telephone campaigning may have had an impact - but it was not sufficiently large to pick up here, even though the impact of the doorstep canvass is clear from these data.









