
Bunlar spill ile ilişkili examples kelimesidir. Sözcüğün ayrıntı sayfasına gitmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın. Veya, spill tanımına git.

spill örnekleri

  • The cold fusion claims of 1989, in contrast, attracted criticism that spilled over from the purely theoretic domain to the professional one.

  • Elemental analyses of this deteriorated wood showed high levels of copper, chromium, iron, and lead, suggesting that a caustic chemical spill had occurred.

  • The detection of unexpected coherent echoes by incoherent scatter radars raises important questions concerning the generation mechanisms that spill over into coherent radars.

  • Some benefit is obtained from 'spill-air' from the air-conditioned courtrooms and offices, which escapes into the atrium from the balconies.

  • The darkly stained surface soil in the depot area also suggests that other petroleum products were spilled at the site.

  • Little is known about the relationship between sub-surface interflow within the spill zone and hydrologic connection with the river.

  • Their empirical results show the effects of choosing different methods for implementing the linear scan, including instruction ordering, liveness analysis, renaming, and spilling heuristics.

  • Issues and problems relating to fishing, hydrocarbon exploration, tourism and communications clearly spill over national borders (regardless of whether those borders are actually contested).

  • If varieties developed abroad by private research spill in directly into the domestic market then domestic private investment could be discouraged.

  • Human infections are relatively rare accidental spill-overs from this wildlife cycle.

  • This difference suggests that there is some sort of difference on the mobilizing effects of oil spills and nuclear plant accidents.

  • Such fires which could trigger major oil spills.

  • This suggests a different (higher) volume of released fuel, a different timing for the fuel spill, or other factors related to the site itself.

  • Such observations and models are far removed from past assumptions that spills in polar regions either evaporate or remain frozen and trapped in the ground.

  • The overall layout of the book is at times unhelpful: tables and diagrams spill into margins and generally look cramped and untidy.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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