
Bunlar sit-in ile ilişkili examples kelimesidir. Sözcüğün ayrıntı sayfasına gitmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın. Veya, sit-in tanımına git.

sit örnekleri

  • The coercion may be immediate, as when a march or sit-in prevents a person from entering a building or using a public street.

  • By contrast, if the issues a social movement wishes to bring into public discourse are already unfavourably framed, why should a demonstration or sit-in be useful?

  • Certainly in my university there has not been the whiff of a"demo"or a sit-in about this issue.

  • I was required to telephone students to entice them to reveal the names of the principal organisers of the sit-in.

  • Now men and women in the community are involved in a sit-in because the only industry that they have left is disappearing before their eyes.

  • We do not need to be lawyers to understand that a sit-in is unlawful.

  • A successful sit-in could not be to the advantage of the men concerned.

  • No payment was made to the workers until after a sit-in had forced the company's hand.

  • Surely these are matters to be dealt with through the usual channels by intelligent, civilised discussion and not by a sit-in.

  • There has been no strike or sit-in by the entrepreneurial section of our society.

  • But that was not to the credit of those who inspired the "sit-in".

  • Clearly, the answer to class parliamentary democracy is that a sit-in must take place and, indeed, it is taking place.

  • The prospects of a favourable outcome are not enhanced by the prolongation of the sit-in and picket of the company's premises conducted by former employees.

  • The management made some equivocal comments on the sit-in.

  • There will be a sit-in, because he will ask the chaps to sit in.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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