
Bunlar gape ile ilişkili examples kelimesidir. Sözcüğün ayrıntı sayfasına gitmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın. Veya, gape tanımına git.

gape örnekleri

  • The oven pipe gapes open and will not shut.

  • Once squab start thrusting at grain, gapes occur.

  • One possibility is that loss of the fleshy cheek facilitated a wider gape.

  • Additionally, the body positioning, thrust, and gape components must all be coordinated properly for a peck to result in the successful ingestion of food.

  • Why haven't host nervous systems evolved resistance to the red gape drug?

  • The effect of genes on colour and shape of gape is itself indirect.

  • Another possibility is that a wider gape permitted bulk ingestion of greater quantities of vegetation per mouthful and/or ingestion of larger individual food items.

  • Whatever it is about the cuckoo's gape that acts like a drug on the host's nervous system, it must have originated as a genetic mutation.

  • Pecks that have an accompanying gape vary greatly and bear very little resemblance to those of the adult.

  • The lower jaw of these fish is loosely slung to the brain case so that they had a very wide" gape".

  • The gape of the mouth is strongly oblique.

  • Mandible width was measured as the distance between the outer edges of the mandibles at their tips when spread to maximum gape.

  • Suddenly, out of the corner of its eye, it sees the red super-gape of a young cuckoo, in the nest of a bird of some quite different species.

  • Lastly, the movement from the multiple and variable gape forms early in ontogeny to the stereotyped adult form is consistent with the hypothesis of operant learning.

  • Most bivalves with siphons develop a gape at one end of the valves, so that they do not close entirely in the region from which the siphons protrude.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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