
Bunlar flour ile ilişkili examples kelimesidir. Sözcüğün ayrıntı sayfasına gitmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın. Veya, flour tanımına git.

flour örnekleri

  • A comparative study of the inter-relationships between mixograph parameters and bread-making qualities of wheat flours and glutens.

  • Are the different parts of the country treated equally in the distribution of strong foreign flours?

  • Imports of greaves, flours and meals, of meat or meat offal (including tankage), unfit for human consumption, are shown in the table.

  • To have two flours of a different extraction in a factory creates enormous difficulty.

  • Wheat mixtures used in the manufacture of bread-making flours vary according to the wheats available and the special circumstances of individual milling businesses.

  • The initial list of cereals and cereal products covers the main cereals, the cereal flours, various worked cereals and cereal offals.

  • Data for the years 1970 to 1975 is only retained under the combined nomenclature of "greaves; flours and meals, of meat, offals, fish, crustaceans or molluscs, unfit for human consumption".

  • Flours made of other ingredients, like azuki, soybean or green pea and starches are often used too.

  • Hemp dough won't rise due to its lack of gluten, and for that reason it is best mixed with other flours.

  • The diet also excludes processed foods, additives, preservatives, flavorings, sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, and products made with white flours.

  • Flours made from other sources such as lentils, chickpeas, rice, or potato, can be used.

  • Effects of dough mixing and oxidising improvers on free reduced and free oxidised glutathione and protein-glutathione mixed disulphides of wheat flour.

  • Thus, low specific weight wheat may be poor value because of low flour yield, but does not disrupt the baking process.

  • In contrast, specific weight is used as a quality measure because it generally indicates flour yield per tonne of grain.

  • The rotis (breads) are made of flours like wheat and maize.

flour anlamı

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May 10, 2021

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