
Bunlar employment ile ilişkili examples kelimesidir. Sözcüğün ayrıntı sayfasına gitmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın. Veya, employment tanımına git.

employment örnekleri

  • Less well-paid proto-industrial employments, namely, wool- and cottonspinning, substituted for silk-gauze-weaving, cotton-spinning employing exactly half of all women in the age category 40 and above.

  • The majority of such employments involved day labour and lower-skilled crafts, like those of tailoring and shoemaking.

  • If these two employments of practical reason were our only recourse, we would find ourselves in constant turmoil and would be forced in the most difficult circumstances to selfdestruct.

  • They first wanted to be included in the subsidiary employments.

  • You go down the scale to raw materials affecting all manner of employments which are not themselves classified as munition work.

  • The tax will not apply to professions, offices or employments.

  • Does it take into account the traditional connection between some employments and the members of one or another religious persuasion?

  • He gave striking reasons in pointing out that in certain skilled employments apprentices of an earlier age were not taken.

  • Therefore, they will know, once they leave their civil employments or student courses, that they are going in for a fixed and definite period.

  • The remainder were placed in or found employments of other kinds.

  • A list of the employments concerned will shortly be published.

  • I recognise that in the times in which we live women take their place in many employments.

  • We have not been told that there will be an offer here of four alternative employments before the compulsion takes effect.

  • In return a reduction, commonly called "the rebate", is made to the national insurance contributions for contracted-out employments.

  • I think evasions are far commoner in ether employments than in street trading.

employment anlamı

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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