
Bunlar arithmetic ile ilişkili examples kelimesidir. Sözcüğün ayrıntı sayfasına gitmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın. Veya, arithmetic tanımına git.

arithmetic örnekleri

  • I say that the milk is as necessary as either the books or the arithmetics.

  • One cannot justify that merely by reference to the arithmetics.

  • Thus, as long as a vortex is passively convecting downstream, its speed is well approximated by the arithmetic mean of the two free-stream velocities.

  • As we will see below, this suffices to define arithmetic degrees.

  • The difference between the two issues boiled down to a simple case of parliamentary arithmetic.

  • Policy making also involves issues of political judgement and political arithmetic.

  • The antecedent clause in this example is a verification condition that might be discharged by applying a rule that expresses a property of integer arithmetic.

  • Finally, very late in the derivation, during step 5, we apply transformations that eliminate, where possible, type checking for arithmetic operations.

  • Consider, for example, the property of both believing something, and not believing anything, which entails that arithmetic is decidable.

  • No such improvements were found in visual short-term memory, problem-solving ability, cognitive speed, arithmetic, or verbal comprehension.

  • The results show the arithmetic means for each herd.

  • The role of arithmetic and geometric mean worm egg counts in faecal egg count reduction tests and in monitoring strategic drenching programs in sheep.

  • The effect, however, is determined by the arithmetic averaging of the profit over multiple years.

  • As is usual with faecal egg counts, geometric means were considerably lower than arithmetic means.

  • The analysis can be extended to incorporate risk by using the geometric instead of the arithmetic mean.

arithmetic anlamı

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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