whiten คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to make or become white or whiter -- กลายเป็นสีขาว; ทำให้ขาว; ทำให้เป็นสีขาว

    • She used a little bleach to whiten the sheets.


ตัวอย่างของ whiten

  • As a strong bleaching agent, it is used in hair dye substances as whitening agent with hydrogen peroxide.

  • The meaning of blanching is to whiten, but this is not always the purpose of blanching in cooking.

  • It feeds on developing grass seeds, causing seed heads to shrivel and prematurely whiten.

  • He visibly blanched: he definitely whitened.

  • Upon accession, our situation was deemed acceptable, although it was stressed that work still needed to be done to whiten our economy and rid our public administration of corruption.

  • Canessa argues that women become more ' masculinized ' and independent as a result of their husbands' seasonal migration, but not ' whitened' as men are in the army.

  • But in what way and to what extent do teachers actually represent the state, act to incorporate the local into the national, and participate in its civilising and whitening project?

  • Ishmael makes no reference to whiteness as a racial signifier.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
