whim คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a sudden desire or change of mind -- ความคิดเพ้อฝัน; ความคิดเเปลกประหลาด; ความต้องการแปลก ๆ

    • He tried to satisfy her every whim.


ตัวอย่างของ whim

  • Do you wish your spiritual development to follow your own whims?

  • If branching direction was at the whim of each individual level, there would be relatively little theoretical interest in it.

  • Unfortunately, her personality was less than heavenly, and when she was not actually singing he found her violent whims and demands for attention very trying.

  • In addition, individuals sometimes change the spelling of their names when they see one that better suits their personal inclination - or even whim.

  • The news of importance came from within the capsule itself - from the whims, friendships and jealousies of the people thrown into each other's company.

  • It also shows that town politics were not simply determined by the whim of party bosses and gentry borough-mongers.

  • He points out that when someone approaches a hard decision they ask themselves what they should prefer, rather than what their inclinations or whims are.

  • Extra-curricular work, however, can very much depend on the traditions of individual schools or the whims of head teachers.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
