wean คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to cause (a child or young animal) to become used to food other than the mother’s milk -- ให้ทารกกินอาหารอย่างอื่นแทนนมแม่

    • The baby has been weaned (on to solid foods).


ตัวอย่างของ wean

  • All were weaned from the second support but only three survived (38%).

  • We acknowledge that the process of weaning can be lengthy and highly variable and that our correction is only an approximation.

  • His condition improved so that he was weaned from ventilation within next day.

  • These values improved rapidly as dexamethasone was weaned.

  • At follow-up (11-90 months, median 49), 7 patients have been weaned from therapy, but 3 (with atrial tachycardia) are still on beta-blockers or flecainide.

  • It is a roadblock in the path of integrating the social and natural sciences, and weaning sociology and anthropology from its social constructivist traditions.

  • We experienced no trouble in inserting the cannula while, in addition, no aortic obstruction was observed when weaning any of the patients from bypass.

  • After weaning at about 16 weeks of age, all lambs were moved to one field so as to minimize variation in exposure to infective larvae.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
