wake คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to bring or come back to consciousness after being asleep -- ตื่นนอน; ปลุกให้ตื่น

    • Go and wake the others, will you?

    • He woke to find that it was raining

  • 1 a strip of smooth-looking or foamy water left behind a ship -- ร่องรอยทางน้ำที่เรือหรือสิ่งอื่นใดแล่นผ่านไป

    • We saw dolphins jumping and playing in the wake left by the boat.


ตัวอย่างของ wake

  • Global interaction of the boundary layer separating from an obstacle with resulting open/closed wakes is studied for a thin airfoil in a steady flow.

  • They are so-called 'free boundary layers', such as jets, wakes, separated layers, etc., in which the solid boundaries are absent in the flow field.

  • In the review that follows, the measures considered are, for the most part, methodologically diverse and correlated with waking state cognitive processes.

  • Let us distinguish then the concept of consciousness from the concept of a waking state.

  • We describe the time-gap experience as evidence that everyday memory for waking states may not be as good as they assume.

  • Dreaming occurs throughout sleep: it may be useful to focus on features that are common to both sleep states and different from waking.

  • A cat walks by and wakes up the tiger.

  • At this point, it seems most constructive to consider all of the correlates of dreaming (and waking) cognition.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
