tutorial คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 of or concerning a tutor. -- เกี่ยวกับผู้สอน

  • 1 a lesson by a tutor at a college or university -- บทเรียนที่สอนในวิทยาลัย หรือมหาวิทยาลัย

    • We have lectures and tutorials in history.


ตัวอย่างของ tutorial

  • It will provide an excellent tutorial text for computer science, and a reference resource which will be valuable for practitioners writing programs in this field.

  • First, a series of graded tutorials enable the user to test her mastery of the course material.

  • To maintain such control, instruction was carried out through the medium of computerized tutorials.

  • The paper is long, but is strongly tutorial in style.

  • As a result, we feel the time is ripe to provide a tutorial overview of the current state of the art in the second track.

  • Many of the models presented have already been implemented in this software and serve as a series of practical tutorials.

  • These remarks appear to show a remarkable degree of equality in the tutorial relationship.

  • It may be less appropriate for tutorials, surveys, theoretical work, or large implementations.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
