timber คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 wood, especially for building -- ต้นไม้ที่เติบโตในป่า (โดยเฉพาะที่โตพอเหมาะที่จะตัดทำซุง)

    • This house is built of timber.

  • 1 trees suitable for this -- ป่าไม้

    • a hundred acres of good timber.

  • 2 a wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc -- ไม้ซุง


ตัวอย่างของ timber

  • However, in the course of carrying out repairs to the roof he found that the timbers were rotten.

  • We have blocks of conifer timbers and all are planted with straight wire fences down them.

  • A firm that does treatment work was called in to advise, and its advice was that the roof timbers could have been treated.

  • They specify the size of timbers which may be employed, but this does not compel it to be of first-class quality.

  • The treatment is to remove infected timbers and replace by naturally durable wood or by wood that has been treated with a preservative.

  • There was no evidence that structural timbers had been treated with preservative.

  • If left in situ, the timbers would have been destroyed relatively quickly by natural processes.

  • All four species are dominant in the canopy of mixed dipterocarp forest, provide important timbers for housing, and have edible fruits desired by people and frugivorous birds a nd bats.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
