testify คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to give evidence, especially in a law court -- ให้การเป็นพยาน

    • He agreed to testify on behalf of / against the accused man.

  • 1 to show or give evidence of; to state that (something) is so -- ให้การยืนยัน


ตัวอย่างของ testify

  • His greatest success has been in opera, and the two orchestral works in his catalogue also testify to a remarkable theatrical sensibility.

  • Several small producers were brought forward to testify against monopolistic tendencies of oligopolists.

  • Religious experiences don't uniformly testify to a single description of the religious ultimate.

  • Very few billets are now missing, testifying to the high level of the hospital's administrative organization.

  • Even though they testify to considerable wealth, we cannot automatically assume that these tombs belong to aristocratic groups in the society.

  • This is tantamount to asking ever y witness simply to testify about what he (reasonably) thinks the ultimate outcome of the trial should be.

  • The sheer limitless number of publications on this topic testifies to the importance that has been attributed to this change to this day.

  • Eyewitnesses testified that he received gifts from residents who did not want their names to be reported as violators of sanitary laws.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
