synonymous คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 (of words or phrases) having the same or nearly the same meaning -- มีความหมายเหมือนกัน

    • ‘Moist’ and ‘damp’ are synonymous.

  • 1 having such a close connection that it is impossible to think of one thing without thinking of the other -- มีความเชื่อมโยงกันอย่างใกล้ชิด


ตัวอย่างของ synonymous

  • A specific case of non-synonymous translation occurs when a translation equivalent does not belong to the same lexical category as the source word.

  • Additionally, the verb is being written in a knowledge structure with all verbs of the word previously chosen by the user being synonymous.

  • All nucleotide differences were also non-synonymous, suggesting that there is no genetic difference between the different isolates.

  • Thus, viability and infectivity were considered to be synonymous.

  • However, there is a danger that we then slip into equating agency with constructive coping, as if the two were synonymous.

  • Conversely, non-synonymous changes were correlated with the host species of origin of the viral isolate.

  • With opposition now appearing synonymous with disloyalty and treason, the temptation increases to treat supporters of the old regime harshly.

  • Again, this relates to our first hypothesis: do some role fillings make the compound act more regularly than others regarding synonymous alternatives?





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
