storehouse คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a place or room where goods etc are stored -- คลังเก็บของ

    • There is a storeroom behind the shop.


ตัวอย่างของ storehouse

  • They had two major purposes, the first of which was the holding of great collections: museums were the storehouses of the best of our past and the nation's inheritance.

  • I am not aware that the employment of labourers upon clerical duties in the storehouses of this depot operates to the prejudice of the writers employed in the establishment.

  • They could have increased their supply enormously if they could only set up the machinery which they have now lying idle in their storehouses—machinery which takes months to turn out.

  • We have placed the contracts for the steel work required for the workshops, storehouses, jetty, railways, fencing material, water tanks, etc.

  • What additional allocation of funds and resources for building storehouses in which to store all these records are to be made?

  • Why are the storehouses full of manufactured goods?

  • Bones, especially, are storehouses of elements critical to life.

  • Another major cause of the loss of food is damp in storehouses and barns.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
