stony คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 full of, or covered with, stones -- ซึ่งมีหินมาก

    • It’s very stony around here.

    • a stony path/beach

    • stony soil

  • 1 (of a person’s expression etc) like stone in coldness, hardness etc -- ใจร้ายใจหิน; เย็นชา

    • He gave me a stony stare.


ตัวอย่างของ stony

  • Usually the parent is met with a stony silence or a short interview with an official way down the authority's list.

  • What is expensive is cutting the bracken on stony ground, where a petrol driven bracken cutter will not work.

  • I hope that my request will not fall on stony ground.

  • With a mixture of compassion and benevolence they watch him toiling along the hard and stony road which they themselves once trod.

  • We have listened to one side in stony silence.

  • I hope that my plea will not fall on stony ground.

  • Attempts at economic and statistical analysis of companies' present reporting of their profits have fallen on stony ground.

  • In that case there was not just consultation but, although it was a stony road, eventual agreement.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
