steppe คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a dry, grassy plain, as in the south-east of Europe and in Asia -- ที่ราบกว้างใหญ่ซึ่งไม่มีต้นไม้

    • the Steppes of Central Asia.


ตัวอย่างของ steppe

  • Middendorff disproved such a view: while steppes came into being due to dryness, tundra came into existence because of the lack of warmth.

  • The first of the belts is the transitional forested steppe.

  • In about half of the villages, some cereal stubble was rented out to other farmers or migrant herders (bedouin nomads from the steppe).

  • Our results indicate that most species of such grassdominated steppes could also be used directly without any dormancy-breaking treatment.

  • In the latenineteenth century, moreover, all four steppe regions were losing population through net emigration.

  • This is sited in areas adjacent to the dry steppe with an annual rainfall of between 200 and 350 mm.

  • But we can gauge the slow loss of comprehension of some steppe traditions if we recall the example of the ulagh/ulaq.

  • The most favourable habitat appears to be the moist forested steppe, and transmission gradually decreases in dry steppe, semi-desert and desert areas.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
