spurt คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 (of a liquid) to spout or gush -- พ่น; พุ่ง

    • Blood spurted from the wound.

  • 1 a sudden gush or burst -- การไหลพุ่ง

    • a spurt of blood/energy.


ตัวอย่างของ spurt

  • Quite badly, with the exception of some partial, and at times temporary, successes in taming inflation and achieving spurts of economic growth.

  • Like the 50-word criterion, these two criteria have also been used in the literature as markers of the vocabulary spurt.

  • Two of them also showed a verb spurt but it occurred after the 50-word mark when their vocabulary size reached over 100 words.

  • Particular attention was devoted in this study to analysing the vocabulary spurt phenomenon.

  • Moreover, we calculated how common nouns, predicates and function words contribute to the increase in vocabulary size which constitutes the spurt.

  • They progress at the same rate, and they exhibit the same vocabulary spurt as monolingual children.

  • The male adolescent growth spurt in lean body mass is paralleled by a similar growth spurt in left ventricular volume.

  • After that initial spurt, budget allocations for the purpose of land reform dried up.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
