spur คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a small instrument with a sharp point or points that a rider wears on his heels and digs into the horse’s sides to make it go faster. -- เดือยสวมที่ส้นรองเท้า

  • 1 anything that urges a person to make greater efforts -- สิ่งกระตุ้น

    • He was driven on by the spur of ambition.


ตัวอย่างของ spur

  • In contrast to forms of unpleasantness and adversity that are spurs to useful action, pain must restrict one's capacities in order to justify that equation.

  • Near its distal extremity it carries one or more tibial spurs.

  • Mean stem density was significantly greater on the upper spurs than in the lower, less-steep gullies.

  • The current explosion of constitution-making activity is spurring a re-evaluation of the best practices for constitutional reform.

  • Declining costs of information have been of critical importance in spurring the international growth of service firms and the service functions within manufacturing firms.

  • The change spurred fresh debates over crooning and morale.

  • Hearing a piece of music evoked memories from a person's past, and spurred conversation with others about past experiences.

  • In the meantime, enormous technological advances spurred a revolution in the sciences concerned with genes, brain, and development.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
