single parent คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a mother or father who brings up a child or children on her or his own -- พ่อหรือแม่ที่เลี้ยงดูลูกด้วยตนเองเพียงคนเดียว

    • (also adjective) a single-parent family.


ตัวอย่างของ single parent

  • Creating a child with literally a "single parent" would, however, create significant concerns related to inbreeding.

  • A sizeable proportion of the sample (44.9%) lived with a single parent, and more than one third received public assistance (36.2%).

  • Years with a single parent indexes the number of years from birth to age 11 years that the study member lived with a single parent.

  • These included exposure to other substances prenatally, socioeconomic status, single parent status, parent antisocial behavior, and maternal responsiveness.

  • At the time of interview, five were living with both parents, three with a single parent and one young adult was living on his own.

  • About 40% of the boys lived with a single parent, and about 40% of the caretakers received public assistance.

  • The linkage phase defines the configuration of alleles of a pair of heterozygous loci over the homologous chromosomes in a single parent.

  • Heritabilities were calculated from single parent regressions involving the regression of family means onto parental means.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
