signpost คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a post with a sign on it, showing the direction and distance of places -- เสาติดป้ายบอกทางตามถนน

    • We saw a signpost which told us we were 80 kilometres from London.


ตัวอย่างของ signpost

  • Principal roads are the responsibility of local highway authorities, and it is for them to ensure that new routes are signposted to the best effect.

  • They provide crucial signposts to the sort of person characteristics that seem to play a role and which might constitute the route by which genetic effects operate.

  • Chemokine receptors: signposts to brain development and disease.

  • A gamelan-style section - harps, xylophones and marimba - played a key role, and a recurring theme, first heard on oboes and clarinets, supplied signposts amid the score's raucous activity.

  • In such criticism the apparently trivial and the unsightly can also be demysti®ed to reveal a truth that signposts alternative ways of organizing a humane society.

  • The indexical use of language constructions provides communicative partners with signposts for how each partner grounds the interaction and thereby allows for the dynamic unfolding of meaning.

  • Once we know where they are and what is their nature, the giant planets around other stars become signposts to systems that are and are not habitable.

  • Thus even where the mode of knowledge is signposted as one acquired by proof, the transition does not seem to be argued for, but is rather assumed.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
