shrine คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a holy or sacred place -- ศาลเจ้า

  • 1 a usually highly-decorated case for holding holy objects. -- แท่นบูชา


ตัวอย่างของ shrine

  • A large limestone boulder, 60 cm in height, had been set into the floor in the center of the shrine's interior chamber.

  • The fact that shrines were present on the landscape certainly held meaning for people living in the neighbourhood.

  • I question though the verb "chose"; in many attested cases the priests of those temples judged to be shrines were given no choice at all.

  • Still-born infants were brought to shrines for baptism - it seems that the ' miracle ' of resuscitation was not necessary.

  • In 1745, control of 440 sites outside the gates of temples and shrines and 227 cho within their precincts were transferred to the city magistrate.

  • Home to a nomadic hippy, it was encrusted with a bristling baroque fantasy of plastic toys, plastic landscapes, silly scenes and shrines.

  • Women pray at naga shrines in hopes of conceiving a child.

  • Higher and lower degrees of connectedness are indicated by the placement of communal facilities and shrines.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
