satellite คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a smaller body that revolves around a planet -- ดาวบริวาร

    • The Moon is a satellite of the Earth.

  • 1 a man-made object fired into space to travel round usually the Earth -- ดาวเทียม


ตัวอย่างของ satellite

  • Further developments in image processing occurred in the following years in the context of medical research and earth-orbiting satellites.

  • All of these new systems are designed to be coordinated by selfconfiguring networks of satellites, sensor arrays and supercomputers.

  • A few more nights could have made the satellites' periodic behavior more evident.

  • Even for higher plasma temperatures, satellites, and the intercombination line will not vanish.

  • A comparison of the measured spectra and the line calculation model reveals the role of dielectronic satellites in general.

  • The dielectronic satellites lead to a further broadening on the red wing.

  • How could one dare to explore the moon and set satellites in space without it?

  • The edges of sorted polygons, which have been imaged on the planet by satellites, might be high-priority places to search for evidence of past life.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
