recede คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to go or move back -- ถอยหลัง

    • His hair is receding from his forehead.

    • When the rain stopped, the floods receded

  • 1 to become distant -- ห่างออก

    • The coast receded behind us as we sailed away.


ตัวอย่างของ recede

  • First, flood-water rice cultivation involved the transplanting of seedlings into fresh-water pools, which remained as rivers receded after seasonal flooding.

  • Bowring's concern with racial purity did not recede in later years.

  • As the residual trees grow and forest regeneration occurs, the baseflow would recede to the normal flow.

  • When allografts were rejected, the graft epidermis receded from the borders of the graft so that rejection was easily recognizable.

  • Blocks with water extraction more than recharge indicate receding water table zones.

  • If 0ah0 and 0e0 did in fact follow a collision course, we would expect that one or the other would recede from low front position.

  • A related problem concerns the shape of a receding meniscus in a channel.

  • This feature recedes in the speech of those who reject local identity.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
