proficiently คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 -- อย่างชำนาญ

    • He learnt to use the software most proficiently.


ตัวอย่างของ proficiently

  • Language is acquired within the first few years of life, and all humans under normal circumstances are able to acquire language proficiently.

  • A couple of amusic individuals were able to sing proficiently despite extremely impaired pitch perception.

  • His sister claimed that he could not read proficiently until he was 12.

  • This equips them to proficiently use the same in both languages.

  • However, one of the four functions is generally used more dominantly and proficiently than the other three, in a more conscious and confident way.

  • Parents can do so in proficiently providing for their off-spring as to benefit them in maturing into well-adjusted contributors to both society and the economy.

  • It would relieve road and rail transport and be of immense advantage to the growing tourist industry, which could work more proficiently and plan greater expansion for the future.

  • It should be the efficient producers, as we are in this country, who are given support to continue proficiently and ensure adequate safeguards for fairly priced products.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
