predecessor คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 someone who has had a particular job or position before -- คนที่อยู่มาก่อน

  • 1 an ancestor -- บรรพบุรุษ

    • My predecessors came from Scotland.


ตัวอย่างของ predecessor

  • Each new instalment in the series (through volume 7) has equalled or improved upon the sales figures of its predecessor.

  • Yet an absence of piety was certainly not unknown among their old-regime predecessors.

  • This caricature was buttressed by the reflections of many major early modern philosophers on the merits of their predecessors.

  • They knew that they were, if not more intellectually honest, then certainly more intellectually shrewd than their predecessors.

  • This innovation has yielded models that outperform their predecessors in terms of matching several business cycle features.

  • According to the extractive foraging model, each new adaptive radiation of hominids has maintained and elaborated on the extractive technologies of its predecessors.

  • Although exhibiting a strongly contrasting, lyrical expressive character, this section is linked with its predecessor in the use of similar developmental procedures and formal characteristics.

  • Children who have been brought up in an age of television are not as ready to sit in rows conjugating irregular verbs as their predecessors.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
