pioneer คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a person who goes to a new, often uninhabited or uncivilized (part of a) country to live and work there -- ผู้บุกเบิก

  • 1 a person who is the first to study some new subject, or use or develop a new technique etc -- ผู้ริเริ่ม

  • 2 to be the first to do or make -- ริเริ่ม


ตัวอย่างของ pioneer

  • At the same time it has pioneered huge strides in exploration and production technology, safety/environmental management and applied geoscience research.

  • Although these claims were pioneering work, they are problematic insofar as their hieroglyphic evidence did not match the established definition of emblem glyphs.

  • Online diarists perceive themselves as pioneers, consciously engaging in the development of a new set of practices.

  • He pioneered the field of shape grammars, opening numerous lines of research in shape computation, design, and aesthetic and stylistic analysis.

  • From the point of view of pure science and of application, fast ignition is a research subject of pioneering significance.

  • He pioneered in the use of ultra-high-frequency radio for field communications in the 1940s.

  • The idea of organizing a conference around the topic of pioneering efforts at cocoa production around the globe was undoubtedly a good one.

  • When noninoculated, the pioneers and early secondary species had lower concentrations of the macronutrients than the species belonging to late-successional groups.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
