peer คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a nobleman (in Britain, one from the rank of baron upwards) -- ขุนนาง

  • 1 a person’s equal in rank, merit or age -- ผู้เท่าเทียมกันหรือเพื่อน

  • 2 to look with difficulty -- เพ่งมอง

    • He peered at the small writing.


ตัวอย่างของ peer

  • Unlike most of their peers, these children continue to exhibit high levels of aggression during middle childhood.

  • An evaluation of peer coping-skills training for childhood aggression.

  • They tended to belong to peer groups where risky behaviors were condoned and were likely to be central members of these deviant cliques.

  • The authors discuss the conditions that can make for successful peer work, including preparation of the students and a sensitive approach by the teacher.

  • The roles of ethnicity and school context in predicting children's victimization by peers.

  • The regulations that stem from the consensus ensure a peer-review scientific process so that the science is as good as any system can guarantee.

  • A revised class play method of peer assessment.

  • We thank our peer reviewers for their critical evaluation of the article.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
