pay packet คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 an envelope containing a person’s wages -- ซองเงินเดือน


ตัวอย่างของ pay packet

  • The wife takes the pay packet and returns some to the husband.

  • Most individuals in our community believe the measures that we are discussing to be simply an additional taxation deduction from their pay packet.

  • Adding them all together, the cost to the employer is double what the employee receives in his pay packet.

  • This is deeply ingrained in the concept of the weekly pay packet and weekly benefit, although one can depart from that by expressing an option.

  • In 1964 a married man with two children, earning what was then the average industrial pay packet, paid £23 in tax on additional overtime earnings of £100.

  • If most of the money does not go through the pay packet, why bother with the administrative mess of the tax credit?

  • Why all this nonsense about paying it through the pay packet, paying it to men and putting burdens on business?

  • Another way of considering the issue is to ask whether there is any problem in forcing the payment through the pay packet.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
