outcast คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a person who has been driven away from friends etc -- คนที่สังคมไม่ยอมรับ


ตัวอย่างของ outcast

  • It was suffered by the socially unfortunate, the outcasts, minor drunks and those who wore shabby clothing.

  • Children's defensive expectations of becoming outcasts result in a predisposition to search for (minimal, nonintentional, or ambiguous) rejection cues.

  • First, it would have served as a physical sign of the alienation of these people from society: they were outcast from sanctified places of burial.

  • She was unmarried at that time, and lived as a social outcast in great poverty with her two daughters.

  • The hospices are another matter : until the 1970s, if not beyond, they remained dumping grounds for the country's social outcasts, the uninsured, and the marginalized.

  • But his lack of social graces and his known tyranny over his sister, combined with his family history, make him an outcast.

  • Actresses' identity as outcasts had been anchored to a particular form of political and social organization.

  • I wanted to know where citizenship ended and where being an outcast began.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
