obligatory คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 compulsory -- ที่ควรปฏิบัติตามหลักกฎหมาย

    • Attendance at tonight’s meeting is obligatory.


ตัวอย่างของ obligatory

  • While belief reassessment and epistemic peer conflict resolution are epistemically valuable and even obligatory for many exclusivists, why think that they are so for all?

  • Such contrasts make the volume excellent teaching material and it will also be obligatory reading for scholars.

  • Nonetheless, this is a great book that should be obligatory reading for comparativists interested in authoritarian regimes and transitions to democracy.

  • They might insist, that is, that there are only negative duties and permissions, so that all acts of aid are supererogator y, not obligatory.

  • The object agreement marker, then, seems to be obligatory, while the subject marker is not.

  • As discussed above, a corollary of a trigger-centered theory of movement is that any movement is by definition obligatory.

  • Incidentally, all this seems to indicate the special status of tense with respect to recoverability as the obligatory recovery in (15) above suggests.

  • Take is usually a transitive verb, yet although it has an obligatory direct-object argument, locative arguments are normally optional.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
