notch คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a small V-shaped cut -- รอยบาก

  • 1 to make a notch in. -- ทำรอยบาก


ตัวอย่างของ notch

  • Included in its otherwise very traditional monthly magazine is splendid material and advice for campaigning pensioners, with notable victories notched up.

  • There is a similar notch, 1.27 cm (0.5 in) wide, cut in the middle along the length of the entire underside of the ski.

  • On the right side, the canine is similarly notched; the lateral incisor is missing; and the medial incisor has not been altered.

  • Similarly, notching can precede any other operation but cannot be per formed after bending or stamping.

  • This will enable use of a notch filter to filter out incident wavelength reflections while allowing recording of the fluorescent signal.

  • Notch-receptor activation on neural progenitor cells, by binding to ligands expressed by neighbouring cells, could be a fundamental process in the neurogenic niche.

  • There is a distinct carnassial notch on the paracristid (not preserved on the protocristid).

  • It has wellpreserved leather straps (and no trace of a heel strap) and has a notch or groove running the length of the underside.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
