maxim คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a saying, general truth or rule giving a guide to good behaviour/behavior -- ข้อเขียนที่เป็นความจริง

    • ‘He who hesitates is lost’ is a well-known maxim.


ตัวอย่างของ maxim

  • One of the foundations of modern linguistics is the maxim of categoricity : language is categorical.

  • They too condensed insights into maxims, riddles and gnomic sayings, or epigrams about prudent living and shrewd, insightful public decisions.

  • Moreover, and this is the main thing, these very propositions, maxims and values are the most important and worthwhile goals of every endeavor.

  • In the theoretical section, we consider four different maxims based on whether countries 2 and 3 are friends or rivals.

  • This too is an advice book, of course better known and greater as a text, while easily enough made to yield simple maxims.

  • The agent who considers himself to be acting on the more specific, allegedly universalizable maxim is deceiving himself about his true principles of action.

  • There is, secondly, the reliability of the agent's maxims.

  • The harm-based operation of tort law personalizes the potential consequences of our actions in a way that general maxims to "take care" do not.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
