loop คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a doubled-over part of a piece of rope, chain etc -- ห่วง

    • She made a loop in the string.

  • 1 a U-shaped bend in a river etc. -- โค้ง

  • 2 -- ห่วงคุมกำเนิดที่ใส่เข้าไปในช่องคลอด

  • 3 to fasten with, or form into, a loop or loops -- ผูกเป็นห่วง

    • He looped the rope round a post.


ตัวอย่างของ loop

  • The conjunction of the specific and non-specific loops is proposed to generate increased cortical activation through temporal coincidence.

  • Detached casting sprues were found, which could have been trimmed off suspension loops or other cast artifacts.

  • Both depend on spatio-temporal sequence learning based on a cascade of associations and pattern recognition performed in cortico-hippocampal loops.

  • Clearly, loops can be concatenated, provided that they have a common interval.

  • Furthermore, in the stage of looping, two new ventricular components appear, namely, the inlet and the outlet.

  • Coils were positioned insidetheductin the long tubular ducts or straddling the duct (with some loops in the pulmonary artery and some in the aortic ampulla).

  • Note, however, that all our graphs are allowed to have loops and multiple edges and, for reasons made clear later, do not have isolated vertices.

  • Conditioning on no loops or multiple edges, we obtain the permutation graph model.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
