log คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a thick piece of unshaped wood -- ไม้ซุง

    • The trees were sawn into logs and taken to the sawmill.

  • 1 a logbook -- บันทึกข้อมูลในการเดินทางของเรือหรือเครื่องบิน

    • The captain of the ship entered the details in the log.

  • 2 to write down or record in a logbook (especially the distance covered during a journey) -- จดบันทึก


ตัวอย่างของ log

  • Additionally, there were six log files with totally different searches from questionnaire reports.

  • After log in the user opens the forms he or she needs and fills them in.

  • Significant linear, positive regressions were obtained between log-transformed soil matric potential at the three depths (r2 = 80-92%).

  • Historians, politicians and political scientists have always known that log-rolling and agenda manipulation go on, so what is the added value?

  • I have also estimated models using the log of the actual size of the agency's initial budget in 1992 dollars.

  • In the case of timber, world and domestic prices are holding steady, or declining, while logging costs are rising as verified by field interviews.

  • Questionnaires appeared to be the most popular method, followed by interviews and data log analysis.

  • The lowest maize yield harvested in 1996/97 under sole maize was attributed to leaching and water logging due to excessive rainfall and lodging.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
