lethargic คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

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ตัวอย่างของ lethargic

  • If the commanding officer is lethargic, the adjutant must spur him on to greater efficiency.

  • The campaign was a catalyst for public discontent, and it has put great pressure on the decision makers, who hitherto have been pretty lethargic.

  • If it is stifling it is not stifling to the person who is lethargic; it is stifling to the spectator.

  • Two patients were not able to finish the study; on day 3 one patient experienced severe heart failure, bradycardia, and hypotension and another became lethargic until obtundation.

  • A painful rash appeared on her lower limbs resulting in swelling of her legs, she was unable to walk, became lethargic, and there was evidence of loss of weight.

  • In addition, chronically infected children may become lethargic and less inclined to exert themselves and, as a consequence, not fully benefit from both their domestic and school environments.

  • Business interviewees repeatedly stated that business had refused to give up in the face of uninterested governments, lethargic bureaucracies and insular labour unions.

  • For example, individuals with greater energy may be more likely to vote than individuals who are lethargic.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
