invisible คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 not able to be seen -- ซึ่งมองไม่เห็น

    • Only in stories can people make themselves invisible.


ตัวอย่างของ invisible

  • Though individually translucent and almost invisible, euphausiids have enough pigment and are present in sufficiently density to tint the water red or orange.

  • Today, the age of the moon is counted after the new moon, when the moon is near the sun and invisible.

  • The assumptions and complex mental processes made by teachers while teaching are invisible, and they cannot be inferred from the visible part of teaching.

  • The difference, invisible so long as we remain at a high level of abstraction, becomes important when we begin to consider implementation.

  • They keep their identities as invisible as possible because their position in society and in households is peripheral at best.

  • Built in 1985, the neighbourhood is relatively invisible to the average passer-by.

  • We can now return to the process of transformation by which we convert inward invisible stores of knowledge into visible information.

  • The litany of difference is meant to honor important differences, but it may in fact render invisible differences that are just as important.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
