fawn คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a young deer. -- ลูกกวาง

  • 1 (also adjective) (of) its colour/color, a light yellowish brown -- สีน้ำตาลแกมเหลือง

  • 2 (with upon) to be too humble or to flatter (someone) in a servile way -- ประจบประแจง

    • The courtiers fawned upon the queen.

  • 3 (of dogs) to show affection (by wagging the tail, rolling over etc). -- (สุนัข) กระดิกหาง


ตัวอย่างของ fawn

  • They are often fawned upon by the media, to which they doubtless represent a fresh piece of news which will last for a day or a week or so.

  • We have seen them fawning their way into a position of some little influence.

  • The sector is, of course, a section into which a fawn is divided for the purpose of fire guarding.

  • Underneath that shy, fawn-like exterior is a marketeer, red in tooth and claw.

  • I represent, for a time at any rate, a city which has had a great record as the forerunner of regional fawn planning.

  • On the other hand, we are not fawning and prostrate.

  • It seems that he has got on largely by fawning and flattery.

  • He fawns upon them and makes them believe they are intelligent, when he knows that it is ignorance which is moving them.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
