expire คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 (of a limited period of time) to come to an end -- สิ้นสุด

  • 1 (of a ticket, licence/license etc) to go out of date -- หมดอายุ

  • 2 to die. -- ตาย


ตัวอย่างของ expire

  • Once the stipulated five-year period expired, the obvious question to ask was just what did these farmers actually decide regarding their participation in the successor program?

  • They ensure that, even after the primary patent expires, the patent holder retains the right to be notified by any firm planning to commence generic production of the drug.

  • Without it, the momentum and imperative to continue any ongoing process of disarmament would likely have expired long before 1933, when it did in fact effectively perish.

  • The scenes that had cherished them and utilised them were either pushed underground or became extinct as they expired their commercial worth.

  • If, for example, an assistant's contract has expired, he or she cannot take a position as an assistant at another university.

  • When a policy expires, the insurance company pays out a claim.

  • At 2 weeks, a total of 10 patients had expired.

  • Until the benefit period for these projects expires, the government will be forced to continue the subsidies.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
