eerie คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 causing fear; weird -- น่าขนลุก; ลึกลับ; ประหลาด


ตัวอย่างของ eerie

  • Reunited with the concertino group of marimba, harp and cimbalom, the violin now acquires an eerie, spectral quality as the preceding movements are revisited in a 'ritual of annihilation'.

  • It was a strange and eerie experience.

  • Too eerie to describe, it all seemed like the end of the world.

  • There is marvellous lyricism, pawky humour, eerie fantasy, all limned in a spare and vivid style of presentation that never wastes a note.

  • A murmur passes through the entourage; eerie blackness falls on the court.

  • While the lying-in-state became at points ungovernable, the funeral procession was marked by an almost eerie quiescence on the part of the crowds.

  • The movement is launched and driven by nervous energy, grippingly held in check during a tense central section that features solos of eerie foreboding.

  • The characters' valediction is accompanied by the orchestral restatement of the cabaletta's first theme, to which is added the eerie sound of a harp.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
