drill คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to make (a hole) with a drill -- เจาะ

  • 1 (of soldiers etc) to exercise or be exercised -- ฝึกฝน

    • The soldiers drilled every morning.

  • 2 a tool for making holes -- สว่าน

  • 3 exercise or practice, especially of soldiers -- การฝึกฝน


ตัวอย่างของ drill

  • Arsenal students were also drilled in the 8-legged essay at the same time that mathematics was given high priority.

  • The main application of the robot is for drilling operation of aluminum parts.

  • At its worst, the method involved mindless repetition and meaningless drills, with unmotivated learners interacting with teaching machines using far from authentic materials.

  • In our protocol, the zona pellucida is laser drilled (8-10 ms laser irradiation) to allow herniation of the trophectoderm after culture.

  • In some households, electric drills and electric saws were added to the basic range of tools.

  • The ability to produce 5 mm laser drilled holes has been demonstrated.

  • Regular fire drills, for example, are meant to inscribe a script in people's memories, which is expected to unroll relatively automatically in an emergency situation.

  • In most cases these holes were drilled bilaterally.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
