destroy คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 to put an end to or make useless; to ruin -- ทำลาย

  • 1 to kill (animals) -- ฆ่า


ตัวอย่างของ destroy

  • If these become damaged or even destroyed by exogenous influences the continuation of a specie may be in danger.

  • Such molecules may have been destroyed, altered or displaced into deeper soil layers, where they are protected from radiation and oxidation.

  • The election had destroyed any immediate hopes of a future electoral agreement between the parties.

  • The numerical goal is to derive a stable scheme that can approximate possibly large gradients without destroying the gauge invariance of the system.

  • Reasons for legume seed loss included eating the seed, livestock or birds eating the crop, beetles, weevils or other pests destroying the seeds.

  • Cessation: an object is destroyed or removed and no longer exists in the real world.

  • The trolley is heading towards destroying a tool, but can be diverted to a track with one person on it.

  • Aboriginal heritage and knowledge of family and ancestors relied on oral traditions that were disrupted and mostly destroyed by colonisation.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
