corporal คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 (often abbreviated to Corp.when written) (a person of) the rank below sergeant -- สิบโท

    • He held the rank of corporal.

  • 1 of the body -- เกี่ยวกับร่างกายมนุษย์


ตัวอย่างของ corporal

  • Does it prohibit corporal punishment in all forms or only some, and if so, which?

  • Simultaneous with the abandonment of the market place by the spiritual authorities was a relinquishment of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure.

  • However, the figures also show that the vast majority of sentences throughout were of corporal punishment or short prison sentences of less than three months.

  • In most of the years analysed here approximately 90 per cent of the crime reports that featured punishment concerned corporal punishments.

  • The proverbial stick was that of military discipline and its implied threat of corporal punishment.

  • It specifically prohibited faculty from inflicting corporal punishment on students.

  • Even second and third time offenders could avoid corporal punishment if they were able to organize supplications from other burghers on their behalf.

  • However, in terms of the distribution of discipline, corporal punishment has been replaced with public shaming and physical discomfort.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
