breach คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a breaking (of a promise etc) -- การละเมิด (สัญญา)

  • 1 a gap, break or hole -- รอยแตก

  • 2 to make an opening in or break (someone’s defence/defense) -- ทำให้แตก

    • These assaults succeeded in breaching the city walls.


ตัวอย่างของ breach

  • Storytellers also added clarifications and dates, indicated possible breaches of their confidentiality, and underscored sensitive issues or passages they wished to remain unreported.

  • The state never assumed the integrity of an institution with its own rules and traditions that could not be breached by the imperial will.

  • A question with no answer is a barrier than cannot be breached.

  • Naturally, users object to this and there have been a number of instances of users suing the organizations responsible for such breaches of privacy.

  • There is no case of breaching the boundaries.

  • Thus, the success of prayer as a method for healing social breaches hinges on both par ties' responsiveness.

  • The child 'breaks the barrier of the book's surface', just as, in opera, the edge of the proscenium is breached by the power of performance.

  • Like computer-hackers breaching elaborate security systems to disrupt large organizations, they may have been secretly demonstrating their own cleverness.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
