bless คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย


ตัวอย่างของ bless

  • Both developments were auspiciously blessed in the 1990s by the good fortune of economic stability, but now face the less favourable climate of the early 2000s.

  • He can do this and appear blessed.

  • When they passed a church along the route, the workers leading the column of demonstrators knelt down and received a blessing from two priests standing on the steps.

  • With this book, the growing field of opera-cinema studies is simultaneously burdened and blessed with a wealth of stimulating questions to engage us for some time to come.

  • Industry, in a great measure, depends on property; and a much greater blessing depends on it, which is the gratification of the most dignified natural affections.

  • In the life of the modern woman, blessed with an almost inexhaustible supply of strings, love is no less episodical than in the life of a man.

  • More important, because child psychology is blessed, or cursed, with so many different methodologies, some good, some bad, a chapter setting these out and evaluating them would have been useful.

  • If the fellow was good, his children will be blessed and have a lot of success, but if he was bad, a lot of evil can hit his offspring.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
